About Me

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Welcome to my blog! I'm Sarah and my remarkable man, Jason, is starting medical school to pursue his dream of becoming an MD. This is our journey that we welcome you to join in and hopefully find encouragement, helpful tips and a friend to walk alongside the ups and downs of life in the medical world! This journey has often reminded that, "the heart of man plans his way but the LORD establishes his steps" Prov. 16:9

Friday, July 4, 2014


HaPpY InDepeNdenCe DaY!

Jason and I are staying with my sister, brother in law and my sweet six week old nephew for the long weekend and we haven't gone anywhere all day and are perfectly happy to stay in for the rest of the night. I like the idea of a good American cookout with burgers, hot dogs, watermelon, red, white and blue star shaped cookies and a fireworks show, but we aren't in the mood to go out and battle the crowds in the hot, muggy summer weather only to battle traffic on the way home.  So, my patriotic activity for the day is that I found and read the entire lyrics to "America the Beautiful". My hats off to anyone who cane sing it from memory! http://www.scoutsongs.com/lyrics/americathebeautiful.html 

My other patriotic act for the day is posting the below poem I wrote in high school. This is the only poem I have written and the disclaimer for all the english majors out there is that I wrote it on a whim and it's probably full of errors ...... 

January 2000!

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