Once upon a time, in a far away land ....
Retold by Angela Elwell Hunt Written and Illustrated
Illustrations by Tim Jonke by Bill Peet
If you are looking for wonderfull Christmas books, look into these! They are currently my favorite and even though my siblings and I are all gown adults, our Mom reads "The Tale of Three Trees" every year on Christmas Eve. And every year she tears up because it's a story that penetrates the heart! The "Countdown to Christmas" by Bill Peet is just a silly favorite!
Also, a sweet friend of mine put together the following Advent readings. She was excited that I wanted to post it and I am happy to share it with you (thank you Emily!). It starts with December 1st and goes through to Christmas Eve following the Bible's account leading up to the birth of Jesus and through his birth. I know, it's December 12th and I am just now posting this so there's some catching up to do. To be honest with you, I haven't read any yet but it's short verses, easy to catch up (for an audible Bible app go HERE ). ENJOY!
Dec 1:
The Word Became Flesh - beginning
Dec 2:
For Unto Us A Child Is Born
Dec 3:
The Righteous Reign of the Branch
Dec 4:
The Lord's Eternal Covenant with David
Dec 5:
The Birth of John the Baptist Foretold - part 1